EMDR Certified | Over 32 Years of Experience | Free Brief Phone Consultations
No one is immune from life's stresses. When those stresses restrict the healthy functioning of your life, it may be time to reach out for objective, realistic, helpful skills. Call the team at Christian Counseling Services of Coos County today to schedule an appointment.
Don't let all that stress get you down and interfere with your everyday life and personal relationships. Learn practical ways to cope with your stress when you turn to Christian Counseling Services of Coos County.
Proverbs 29:18 "For lack of vision my people perish."
We desire to witness all of our clients walk in health and godly wisdom honoring their body, soul, and spirit. As they grow in their strength of courage and character, they will accept their God-given identity, recognize their need for forgiveness and reconciliation, and learn to love people.
They will learn to overcome adversity, extend mercy and grace to themselves and others, and find their place of service to their fellowman. Knowing Jesus and His love makes all the difference. Loving him back allows people to make a difference.
3803 Vista Ct, North Bend , OR 97459
Mon - Thu: Appointment Only
Fri - Sun: Closed